The right videos for your company

Our experts specialize in developing the optimal video strategy for your business. Through in-depth analysis of your industry, target audience and goals, we offer customized consulting services to determine how your business can benefit from the use of video.

Executive Summary

At a glance: Consulting

Customized solutions

Our consulting services offer customized video strategies that are tailored to the uniqueness of your business; because every company has different goals and challenges.

An efficient approach

We help you maximize the effectiveness of your videos by setting clear objectives and strategic direction. This enables effective communication and the achievement of measurable results.

Our consultants are experts

Our consultants are experts
We combine creative thinking with in-depth business expertise to ensure that your videos not only impress, but also support your business goals in the long term.


What characterizes a successful video strategy?

It must be goal-oriented

By defining clear goals from the outset, you can ensure that each video makes a measurable contribution to your business objectives. Whether it's increasing brand awareness or driving customer acquisition, a goal-oriented strategy will guide the development and implementation of your video projects. It allows you to measure success against specific metrics and make adjustments where necessary to ensure the videos have the desired impact.

It must be tailored to the company

Every company is unique, and therefore the approach to video production requires a customized approach. A customized strategy, tailored to your company's unique strengths and challenges, allows you to specifically address the needs and expectations of your target audience. This not only leads to greater relevance, but also to an increased impact of your message, which contributes to the long-term success of your company.

Our process

The consulting process at LICHTENFELD

Our structured approach begins with an in-depth analysis of your company and your target group. Together we define clear goals and develop a customized video strategy for your company. We offer specific recommendations for choosing the optimal video types, content and publishing strategy. Throughout the process, our experienced team will be by your side to ensure your video campaigns are a complete success.

Requirements analysis

Our consulting process starts with a requirements analysis: in close consultation with you, we evaluate your specific needs and challenges. We set clear and agreed objectives and define the success factors that can be used to measure the success of the project.

Data collection

We then gather strategically relevant information about your company and its industry. This includes conducting interviews with the relevant stakeholders as well as a comprehensive industry and competitor analysis. In addition, we scrutinize previous video projects to understand their resonance and thus gain valuable insights for our strategy.

Target group analysis

With a deep understanding of your company, we move on to the next phase. Target group analysis allows us to create detailed personas that serve as representative models for different segments of your target group. This gives us a comprehensive understanding of the people your videos are intended to reach and appeal to.

Strategy development

Based on the results of our analyses, we develop your video production strategy. We go beyond standard approaches and take into account the unique characteristics of your company. The strategy includes not only the selection of suitable video types, but also the definition of content and a publishing strategy that best fits your business goals.

Evaluation and optimization

Our work does not stop once the videos have been published. We evaluate performance based on previously defined KPIs and analyze user behavior. Based on these findings, we optimize the strategy if necessary. This iterative approach guarantees that your video campaigns generate the greatest possible benefit for your company.

The application areas of videos

Six business cases where videos can help you move forward.


Strengthening your own brand

Videos are an excellent resource to emphasize the strength of your corporate brand and build a long-lasting connection with your target audience. By combining visual elements, music and meaningful content, videos allow you to present your brand personality in an emotional and memorable way. This not only creates a deeper understanding of your values and mission, but also encourages potential customers to identify with your brand


Acquisition of new customers

Videos are the ideal way to attract new customers: Not only can they present complex ideas in a simple and understandable way, they also offer a reach that is unattainable with traditional advertising media. With the help of videos, you can authentically present the personality of your company and thus arouse the interest of potential new customers.


Increased attractiveness as an employer

Use the benefits of video in employer branding to present yourself as an attractive employer and attract new talent. By providing visual insights into your company culture, work environment and team dynamics, potential employees can get an authentic and well-defined idea of what it's like to be part of your team.


More efficient processes

Integrating videos into your internal processes is an effective way to increase efficiency and streamline workflows. Training videos, instructions and internal communication in visual form make it possible to convey complex information quickly and precisely. The clear visualization of work processes can save time and minimize errors.


Establish yourself as an expert

Position yourself as an expert in your industry and share your expertise effectively. With informative and engaging video content, you can win over your audience and be perceived as a trusted source. At LICHTENFELD, we help you create high-quality expert videos that demonstrate your expertise and showcase your company as an innovator and industry leader.


Building a community

Videos are a key tool for building an engaged fan base and forming a loyal community around your business. Through engaging and entertaining video content, you can not only showcase your products or services, but also create an emotional connection with your target audience. The interactive elements of video encourage social media sharing, commenting and building an enthusiastic following.

Reach your goal with advice from LICHTENFELD

How the EWERK Group successfully markets new products through the use of videos

Die EWERK-Gruppe mit Sitz in Leipzig ist IT-Service-Provider für die systemrelevanten Branchen Deutschlands. Als Spezialisten für komplexe IT-Infrastrukturprojekte und die Entwicklung von individuellen Anwendungen ist die EWERK-Gruppe einer der führenden IT-Dienstleister in gesetzlich regulierten Organisationen.
Die EWERK-Gruppe mit Sitz in Leipzig ist IT-Service-Provider für die systemrelevanten Branchen Deutschlands. Als Spezialisten für komplexe IT-Infrastrukturprojekte und die Entwicklung von individuellen Anwendungen ist die EWERK-Gruppe einer der führenden IT-Dienstleister in gesetzlich regulierten Organisationen.
Ausgangslage: Die EWERK-Gruppe führt eine neue IT-Plattform ein und plant deren Vermarktung durch eine Werbekampagne.
Unsere Aufgabe: Herausarbeiten, wie Videos optimal genutzt werden können, um die Zielgruppe effektiv anzusprechen, und bestimmen, welche Arten von Videos zum Einsatz kommen.
Das Resultat: ein umfassendes Videopaket, das aus drei kurzen Experteninterviews, zwei Sales-Videos und zwei Produktvideos besteht.
The Leipzig-based EWERK Group is an IT service provider for Germany's system-relevant industries. As specialists for complex IT infrastructure projects and the development of individual applications, the EWERK Group is one of the leading IT service providers in legally regulated organizations.
Initial situation: The EWERK Group introduces a new IT platform and plans to market it through an advertising campaign.
Our task: to work out how videos can be optimally used to effectively address the target group and to determine which types of videos should be used.
The result: a comprehensive video package consisting of three short expert interviews, two sales videos and two product videos.